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Community developement

Projekty Humana People to People, ktoré budujú komunitu, majú spoločného menovateľa, a to: „Bojovať bok po boku s chudobnými“. Sú charakteristické tým, že sa umiestňujú do komunít, kde operujú spolu s ľuďmi, riešia pre ľudí veľmi závažné problémy. Sú tiež charakteristické tým, že bojujú zároveň na viacerých frontoch, tak ako aj chudobní ľudia zápasia o prežitie a zlepšenie svojich podmienok. Boj si od chudobných vyžaduje, aby boli všeumelcami, ak chcú uspieť. Vedúci projektu a ľudia, s ktorými pracuje, to musia zvládnuť.

The community building projects of Humana People to People have as a common denominator that they are Fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Poor. They are characterized by being placed in the midst of the communities where they operate, together with the people, dealing with issues of great importance for the people. They are also characterized by being multi-stringed, as is the struggle carried out by poor people to survive and improve their conditions. The fight of the Poor demands jacks of all trades to succeed. The project leader and the people she works with must master this.

The basic project programs of health, education and production complement programs of the governments, often related to the Millennium Development Goals, and they also include campaigns over a longer period of time and shorter actions within a specific issue. The project serves as the host of the campaign or action, using all its internal and external structures to promote the issue at hand.

Child Aid

In the 20th year of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Child Aid is still one of the many contributors to making those rights come true. Child Aid is what it says: Aid to the child, to grow, learn and live in safe and healthy conditions. All parents wish to create such conditions for their children, but many do not manage on their own.

Broadly based, Child Aid builds the capacity in the families and their communities in an all-inclusive program, recognizing that in order to nurture children successfully, the entire community must be strengthened. Families are brought together to address health and sanitation, income generation, education, district development, environmental awareness, and participation of children.

Child Aid has extensive outreach programs with the whole community with information and lessons on health, nutrition, hygiene, environment and other issues, and with practical actions to improve conditions where needed. Here the primary schools in the operation areas are important cooperation partners – children, teachers and parents alike.

The concept of Child Aid leaves space for locally determined additions to the main areas, and the concept operates with using various structures in the organization of the children and their families, for example by forming Village Action Groups of 15-20 families with a coordinator, who is a volunteer from the local community. The Village Action Group works together in the day-to-day implementation of their own activities, and mobilizes more volunteers to participate.

Most of the Child Aid programs operate among the rural population, but the concept has also shown efficient in the slums of big cities, for example in the townships of Soweto, South Africa

Green Actions

Green Action aims to turn around the environmental degradation cycle in rural communities from being out of balance with nature to become a model of environmental sustainability.

A healthy environment represents an ecosystem where a symbiosis between the physical environment and the living beings supports the biodiversity. Exploitative human activities have deteriorated the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil, which has caused a threat to existence of the living being. To contribute to a healthy environment, HPPI runs environmental projects called Green Action, which aims to turn around the environmental degradation cycle in rural communities from being out of balance with nature to become a model of environmental sustainability.

The Green Action projects mobilize the community to live up to demands within waste management, soil and water conservation, and sanitation and wasteland development. This is done through a list of parameters that deals with changing degraded soil to become alive again by use of organic fertilizers; getting water back into the wells through ground water recharge from roofs, slopes and ponds; bringing about a reduction in the use of water by implementing new agricultural practices; reducing use of firewood and thereby lowering indoor pollution; planting of trees to improve green cover and healing the environment in general. The projects also set up demonstration models of various low cost equipment produced with local material such as rope pumps, drip irrigation systems and Eco Sanitation toilets.

Key accomplishments

Formation of 450 farmers clubs with approximately 7,000 farmers involved in organic farming and modern methods of agriculture.
100 farmers have been trained on nursery management and 40 have started their ownnurseries for vegetable and fruit production.

A total of 100,000 saplings of vegetables and fruit trees including green chilies, brinjal, cauliflower, tomatoes, amla, lemon and papaya and have been planted in 100 model gardens and fields. 535 kitchen gardens have been established in households and, 175 vermiculture units have been established

25,000 trees have been planted; 17 roof top rain water harvesting structures, 16 water recharge systems in dried out dug-wells, and 8 ponds have been made for ground water recharge and water conservation for irrigation.

35 Eco San toilets have been constructed.

Community Development India

Humana People to People India implements Community Development Projects, which are an integrated approach of development, expressed in 10 lines of activities – covering all aspects of life, and thus strengthening the community. The idea of the project is “to work together with people and their communities to develop a life in dignity and well being through access to services that meet their basic needs in a sustainable manner including livelihood, health, education and information, a safe and healthy environment and a life free of discrimination, thus ensuring their economical, social, cultural as well as civil and political rights.”

The 10 lines of activities deal with long-term development, which needs sustainable solutions to be created and implemented. The Community Development Projects are therefore capable of changing their way of operation to seize upcoming possibilities for cooperation with all forces pulling in the same direction – being it governmental initiatives, other organizations, national or local programs. At the same time the projects maintain their clear profile with the 10 lines of activities and the basic methods of the programs.

A Community Development Project takes its point of departure with the people in the community, who organize themselves in groups of common interest including Self Help Groups, Women´s Groups, Farmers´ Clubs, Youth Clubs, Adolescents´ Groups, Kids´ Clubs and a confluence of selected members from each group together with other government and Panchayat stakeholders to form the Village Action Group. As a result of the community groups, the self- organizing strength is being built up over time. The capacity of self-organizing is an additional result to the actual, practical activities, but nonetheless a very important factor for sustainable development.

Humana People to People India is implementing 16 community development projects in five states of India including Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand.